Tag: social media
Time to Pay Attention
The biggest surprise isn’t that Rebel Media is imploding – it’s the shared values between the Rebel and Andrew Scheer’s supporters.
This is Me!
Wanted to quickly share somethings, so I guess this is a “quicky” post. I did one of those stupid Facebook quizzes today – the kind of thing I tell everyone NOT to do because they’re just mining your friends and personal information. I was bored though. It resulted in a word cloud made up of…
Stronger, Freer – A Celebration of Canada
If you could take a break from your career, where would your passion take you? Prepare to be inspired by a story of two brave people who are following their hearts!
How Reliable are Employer Reviews?
From the beginning of time, people have passed judgement – on their neighbours, on their country and leaders, on their merchants, on their family, and of course, on their employers. It’s never been easier though than it is right now, in this technological age. Are you upset with how you were treated in a restaurant or store?…