Tag: hope
My Prayer
Lord, please don’t let me love againI’ve done it much too often;each time I end up with a painthat words can never soften. The last time really shattered me;I’m not quite recovered yet. Perhaps a hundred years or twowill help me to forget. So please dear Lord because so muchhas happened to me before,don’t let…
Daily Commute
She saw the young man sitting across from her on the train flash a look of annoyance as someone brushed his knee with her bag. She wondered why he was annoyed when he was clearly mansplaining (that is the term, isn’t it?) with one leg in the aisle. She studied him more carefully and noticed…
Voting for Hope
I’ve been giving some thought lately to what drives change (or not) during an election and I have a few hypotheses that I’d like to muse about and relate them to each of the party leaders in the coming election. When things are going well, of course people will vote the ruling party in again.…