The Beauty of Simplicity

With the gentleness of a stirring breeze,
I am awed by the simplicity.
In God’s creations, all but one
Can live in harmony under the sun.
But God’s most complex creature is doomed
To live amidst the strife and gloom.
Ambiguous, they thrive on war;
They kill each other and then keep score.
With no respect for nature’s neutral state,
They fill the world with a cancerous hate.
Destroying everything they meet,
The human race will face defeat.
And once they’re off this planet Earth,
The world will have a wond’rous birth;
For nature conquers over all;
T’would take a lot to make her fall.
She’s learnt to live in harmony
And the death of man will set her free.
She’ll bare her soul so all can see
The beauty of simplicity.

Creative Commons License
This poem by Suzette Seveny is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.






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